Friday, December 25, 2009

Happy Birthday Jesus!

The kids woke up this morning around 8am and we went downstairs for our traditional birthday cake for breakfast.

We sang "Happy Birthday" to Jesus and
then Joshua blew out the candles.

Rachel really enjoys this family tradition!

My wonderful husband Brian
Rachel double-checking to make sure
it's okay to tear the wrapping paper.
She eventually got into the swing of things.
Joshua playing with his pop gun from Granny & Grandad
Rachel playing with her baby doll from Nana & Papa
Joshua excited to open his new toy - a Leapster2
Rachel's new wooden kitchen set - isn't it adorable????Merry Christmas Everyone!


Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing the pics! I've been waiting all day for you to post! I love you princess! Mom

Nitsan said...

lol i saw Happy Birthday Jesus and i was like "What??"... :P
Happy birthday, you have amazing photos, like the perfect families :)